Spigot Plugins
     RPCMD | Player Report - (1.14-1.15) - v3.4
Nearly everything is customizable.
Only one report per person is allowed to reduce spam.
If one page is full (36 players) you can click on the new appeared book in the bottom right corner to go to the next page.
The paper in the bottom left corner only appears if you have a specific permission.
The GUI supports up to 396 online players right now.
Commands and Permissions:
/report - To open the GUI to report someone or to view the current reports if you have the permission rpcmd.see
/rpcmd - To disable or enable new reports for yourself if you have the permission rpcmd.see
/rpcmd reload - To reload the plugin configuration if you have the permission rpcmd.reload
The rpcmd.see permission is for admins and also lets you see the current reports in the GUI.
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To Spigot
     LCMD | Lock-Plugin - 1.14.4 - v1.2.2
Supported languages: English, German
Furnaces or Chests get automatically locked upon placement.
You can add or remove players to an existing protection.
Commands and Permissions:
/lock / unlock - To lock/unlock a block.
/lock add / lock remove - To add or remove a player to an existing protection.
/lock override - To give another player the protection you're looking onto with the permission lcmd.override (Admin)
/lcmd - You can see a simple command help with the permission
If you want to look in every chest even if its not your own use the permission lcmd.bypass
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